Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Jasmine Grandiflorum From India with Moroccan Clay Handcrafted Soap

Jasmine Grandiflorum From India with Moroccan Clay Handcrafted Soap Review

Jasmine Grandiflorum From India with Moroccan Clay Handcrafted Soap Feature

  • The sweet and seductive scent of fresh jasmine blossoms
  • Beauty soap
  • Anti aging
  • Welcome to Natural Handcrafted Soaps Our old-fashioned handcrafted natural soaps are created in small batches using a variety of natural oils, butters & botanicals from the U.S to the Rain Forest of Brazil, the hills of Italy , the Provencal countryside of France to ancient Egypt These ingredients are carefully chosen for their many benefits. Moisturizing, cleansing, & soothing just to name a few. The addition of 100% natural essential & fragrance oils makes our handmade soap a super sudsy, velvet like fragrant treat that will leave your skin soft & smooth Our Natural soaps are crafted using natural herbs, spices & clays and are scented with 100% pure essential oils. These completely natural soaps contain no artificial colors or fragrances
  • Our handmade/ handcrafted soaps are formulated to deliver the very best in skin care while using only safe, truly natural ingredients. We never use harmful synthetic chemicals, preservatives, artificial dyes, or synthetic fragrance oils. All of our soaps are made in small batches to ensure the quality of each batch. We hand stir, hand cut and hand wrap every bar. We even make our own wrapper. Every bar is given a long cure period so that when it reaches you it is mild and ready to use.. We hand-make many different varieties of soap. Every bar begins with a high percentage of cold pressed olive oil to which we add organic coconut, palm and castor, avocado, brazilian nut, almond and hazelnut , tea tree, and copaiba oils for a rich creamy lather that nourishes as it moisturizes. Next we add botanicals, butters, and cleansing earth clays for their exceptional skin care benefits. Finally, we scent our fragrant soaps with only pure essential oils extracted from plants . . .fresh clean scents, the way mother nature intended

This particular Soap Jasmine "Grand" absolute (also known as "Royal" Jasmine) is one of the nicest we've ever had the opportunity to enjoy. .

*Jasmine Grandiflorum flowers grown in India - also known as 'Royal' Jasmine.

This is an exceptionally fine example of the classic Jasmine aroma. This is a wonderfully scented soap .

Jasmine is a component of most of the world's fine perfumes for a good reason.

The Jasmine used in this soap is absolute and produced from jasmine blossoms, it is simply intoxicating , with the addition of Morrocan Red Clay and some fresh *goats milk , it makes this *soap an excellent moisturizing and cleansing facial soap.

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