Sunday, January 8, 2012

Provence Lavender with Dead Sea Mud and French Rose Clay Soap

Provence Lavender with Dead Sea Mud and French Rose Clay Soap Review

Provence Lavender with Dead Sea Mud and French Rose Clay Soap Feature

  • Our handmade/ handcrafted soaps are formulated to deliver the very best in skin care while using only safe, truly natural ingredients. We never use harmful synthetic chemicals, preservatives, artificial dyes, or synthetic fragrance oils. All of our soaps are made in small batches to ensure the quality of each batch. We hand stir, hand cut and hand wrap every bar. We even make our own wrappe
  • Every bar is given a long cure period so that when it reaches you it is mild and ready to use..
  • Our handmade soap is truly 100% natural from start to finish. You can feel the difference! Treat yourself to a bar and experience how good natural soap can be to your skin. Beautifully simple.
Dead Sea mud one of the healthiest things you can use for your skin, it improves blood circulation and natural skin generation. Fine mud grains, cleanse the skin and remove any dirt particles, impurities and toxins it also moisturizes your skin and helps natural skin hydration just to name a few of its benifits. French rose clay or pink clay is a mild clay which will gently cleanse and exfoliate the skin. Rose clay is gentle enough even for the driest skins. Its very mild. The lavender oil used in our soap is imported from the Haute Province of France, wild lavenders original home. Every skin type benefits, and just to make it more amazing we add Egyptian rose geranium with shea butter..

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